Monday, June 14, 2010

Revolutionary Ramble Bike tour

Forgot my camera but biked 35 miles in Morristown area with my friend Jean for a great day. Here are the highlights -

Biked through the Great Swamp National Wildlife Refuge . This is a 30,000-acre tract deeded by the Delaware Indians in 1708. By the Revolutionary War, settlements dotted the area and local settlers fashioned wagon wheel parts with wood cut from the Great Swamp woods.

Look for one of the oldest white oak trees in the Western Hemisphere and its 156-foot spread in Basking Ridge. By the time of the Revolutionary War the oak was already nearly 400 years old and George Washington was said to have picnicked in its shade along with Lafayette and other officers.

We left from Drew universary at 9:30, had two rest stops and a very nice lunch at the college cafe at 2 pm. I ran into a couple I biked with in a finger lake bike tour I did 2 yrs ago. they were volunteers. Also a couple I knew from a few yrs ago on the C&O canal were there with their custom tandem. The front of the tandem had a hand crank and back was reg standard Very cool bike.

The bike tour had some rolling hills, nice back roads. Completely filled up - 3500 riders. Great Day !

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